Been a while

  ·   2 min read

Phew! Time does indeed fly.


I have been away from writing (publicly), but it felt like I only paused yesterday.

Taking a look at my most recent post here and realising it was written about 9 years ago. And on my medium page, the most recent article over there is also a while back and over 6 years old.

Long enough to have to recall from a faint memory that I have an article published for Google Cloud and HackerNoon.

Another article that brought back some memories is It breaks on my machine. I have totally forgotten I wrote anything like that.

Life happens

Time becomes more and more restricted as you navigate through life and get more reponsibilities.

And not many things would be tougher than finding free time1 for non-essential hobbies, of which writing personal tech articles is one.

Refreshed blog

This blog has gotten a facelift with a simpler and more direct user interface, in preparation for what is to come.

It took a while to find a satisfactory minimalistic theme with dark mode support.

The days ahead

The landscape in software and cloud engineering has changed significantly over the last decade.

There are a number of ideas on my list that should get me back to writing soon and more frequently.

Stay tuned!

  1. I do not agree with the concept of free time as it is normally understood. It is not free but rather unplanned. ↩︎